Saturday, June 1, 2019

Power Deck Challenge- Begin and Create- 1

DIY Personal Power Deck Challenge 
Day 1

                      What appropriate cards to kickoff the challenge, don't you think?

 Begin features a moonstone sitting upon birch bark.  Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. As the name implies, it is connected with the moon & therefore cycles and intuition, which is why I have chosen it. Birch represents new beginnings and opportunities, and is believed to build courage, intent,  & determination, all essential for embarking on a new path. 

 Create features a blue lace agate lovingly placed on a sprig of bacopa. Blue Lace Agate works to help clarify your thoughts. It is a wonderful stone for releasing the fear of others' opinions & judgements, allowing you to freely express yourself. This helps release your inner artist, and your creativity. Bacopa provides mental clarity, promotes intellect, inspires creativity, & improves creative thought.

The photo quality isn't great, and neither is the artwork, but that's completely ok. This is a wonderful exercise in intuition and creativity, it is not about perfection. Resist the urge to recreate, redo, and edit, or you'll never finish it. Be kind to yourself, and be kind to your creation! These are for your personal use and growth, the intention and effort you've put into them is what matters.

To celebrate the beginning of this journey, I have just started an Instagram for this blog. I would love, love, love for you to join me and tag me in pictures of your deck creations so I can see all the beauty you're bringing into this world! 

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